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Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime

Since 1992, Feod Group has been providing a wide range of immigration, corporate and legal services in Cyprus and other EU countries


The Cyprus IP regime


Cyprus provides entrepreneurs with unique tax advantages. The main tax rate for companies – corporation tax in Cyprus is 12.5%, which is already one of the lowest in Europe. However, there is the possibility of additional optimization of taxation through the program – Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime.

What is the Cyprus IP-Box regime?

IP-box (Intellectual Property Box) is a preferential tax regime in Cyprus for company profits from innovation and investment in intellectual property, under which the corporate tax rate can be reduced to 2.5%.

Benefits of the Cyprus IP regime

In accordance with the Cypriot intellectual property regime – 80% of the profits qualifying for the regime are exempt from tax. With a corporate tax rate of 12.5%, this can result in an effective tax rate of as low as 2.5%.

Under the Cyprus IP regime, 80% of the qualifying profits generated from the qualifying assets is deemed to be a tax deductible expense for qualifying taxpayers. In calculating the qualifying profits, the new regime adopts the ‘Nexus’ approach.

According to this approach, the level of the qualifying profits is positively correlated to the extent the claimant performs R&D activities to develop the qualifying asset (QA) within the same company.

What assets does IP-box apply to in Cyprus?

To take advantage of the lowest tax rates of 2.5%, IP-Box applies to certain types of assets, called qualifying assets (QA).

Qualifying assets (QA) under the new regime include:

The definition of qualifying intangible assets specifically excludes business names, brands, trademarks, image rights and other intellectual property rights used for the marketing of products and services.

Moreover, such assets must be fully developed in Cyprus by the company’s employees for the purpose of doing business or can be purchased/taken for use from a third party unrelated to the company.

Who are Qualifying Persons or Establishments under the Regime?

Qualifying Persons (QPs) or establishments include:


Qualifying Profit (QP) Under the Regime


The nexus fraction calculation of the Qualifying Profit is as follows:



OI = Overall income from the QA
QE = Qualifying expenditure on the QA
UE = Uplift expenditure on the QA
OE = Overall expenditure on the QA

1. Overall Income (OI)

Overall income is defined as the gross income earned from qualifying intangible assets during the tax year, minus any direct costs incurred for generating the income.

Overall income includes, but is not limited to:

On calculating overall income, direct costs include as following:

2. Qualifying Expenditure (QE)

Qualifying expenditure for qualifying intangible assets is defined as the sum of all R&D costs incurred during any given tax year wholly and exclusively for the development, improvement or creation of qualifying intangible assets, and which costs are directly related to such assets.

Qualifying expenditure includes, but is not limited to:

Even so, qualifying expenditure does not include:

Any expenditure for R&D that has been outsourced to non-related parties, as well as any expenses of a general nature for R&D, which cannot be allocated to the qualifying expenditure of a specific qualifying intangible asset, can be apportioned pro rata to the qualifying intangible assets

3. Uplift Expenditure (UE)

An uplift expenditure is added to the qualifying expenditure, which will be equal to the lower of:

4. Overall Expenditure (OE)

Overall expenditure relating to qualified intangible assets is defined as the sum of:

In total, in order to benefit from the preferential tax rate of 2.5%, companies in Cyprus must meet the following IP-box conditions:


Optimizing taxes in Cyprus requires competent tax planning.
Our Cypriot lawyers and tax advisors offer expertise and assistance in developing the most beneficial strategies for businesses and individuals.
Contact us and we will be glad to see you in our office in Larnaca!



What is IP-box in Cyprus?

IP-box (Intellectual Property Box) is a special tax regime in Cyprus that provides benefits to companies generating income from innovation and investment in intellectual property. Under this regime, the corporate tax rate can be reduced to 2.5%.

What tax benefits does IP-box provide?

80% of profits derived from the use of intangible assets are deductible for tax purposes. Thus, only 20% of the income from intellectual property assets is taken into account after deducting the costs of generating income. Accordingly, applying a corporate tax rate of 12.5% to the remainder results in an effective corporate tax rate of 2.5%.

For which companies is IP-box Tax Regime suitable?

IP-box mode is suitable for companies that are involved in innovation and investment in intellectual property. These may include research and development companies, software companies, patent holders and other organizations that have income from other useful and new intangible assets.

Why is the Cyprus IP Box Tax Regime the most popular in the EU?
  • IP Box mode in Cyprus guarantees maximum protection for IP (intellectual property) owners
  • The tax regime is approved as complying with all EU standards and regulations.
  • The state provides preferential tax treatment not only to companies, but also to individuals
  • Simplicity and speed of opening any type of company

Article author

Elena Georghiou Founder and Managing Partner
Ukraine, Cyprus
Elena Georghiou is the founder of Feod Group, a company that has been successfully operating since 1992. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in corporate law, international taxation, immigration law, investment, and financial consulting....

Elena Georghiou is the founder of Feod Group, a company that has been successfully operating since 1992. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in corporate law, international taxation, immigration law, investment, and financial consulting.

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We provide our clients with related services, such as relocation and adaptation abroad, organizing family relocation abroad, enrollment of children in schools and many other services.


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