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Business / Investments in the USA

With a wealth of experience, Feod Group together with top level American specialists are able to provide a bespoke services in business investments and obtaining status Green card and eventual citizenship in the USA. We provide full legal support through our offices in the USA, UK and Ukraine.

The United States of America is one of the most economically strong countries in the world, and this provides many opportunities for business.

Foreigners wishing to start business in the United States can obtain a temporary residence permit under the Treaty Investor/E-2 program, or a permanent residence permit (Green Card) under the E5/EB-5 program.

Investments under the EB-5 program can be both direct – to your own enterprise, and indirect (passive) – with the involvement of so-called “Regional Centers”.

Feod Group is pleased that it has a unique position distinguishing it from others in providing legal services in that it has offices in Ukraine (Kiev and Odessa) and  in the USA . This allows us provide a wide range of services related to business immigration to the USA:

–     evaluation of applicant’s compliance with program requirements;


We will provide you with full support for obtaining an E-2 or E5 / EB-5 visa at the US Consulate.

If you are in the USA and have a valid visa, we will provide you with all legal and business services for the change/adjustment of your status to E-2 or E5 / EB-5.

The Feod Group office in the United States is headed by Mr. William Slattery, a retired high ranking employee of the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United States.


Treaty Investor – investor visa E-2

E-2 visa allows an investor and his family to live in the United States during the validity of the visa or the period allowed at the U.S. port-of-entry (usually 2 years). It does not allow the applicant to immediately get a Green Card, but the applicant who is in the United States for this type of visa has the opportunity to adjust to an immigration category within the country. The E-2 investor visas are for citizens of countries with which the United States maintains treaties of commerce and navigation, one of which is Ukraine.


To qualify for a Treaty Investor (E-2) Visa the investor must:


Below is a more detailed analysis of the requirements for a E-2 visa applicant:

An investment from $ 70,000 to $100,000 (depending upon location) is considered as substantial for an E-2 visa.

It is important to prove that the main part of preparation for doing business in the United States have already been carried out while submitting documents to the US Consulate. This process should be at the final stage, and not a distant plan or desire.

The spouse of the E-2 and unmarried children under twenty-one (21) may seek admission to the USA and, if approved, generally will be granted the same period of stay as the E-2.

Feod Group provides its clients with services in selecting an enterprise or business for investment, as well as full visa and immigration support for the client during his/her visa application in Ukraine and the adjustment of  immigration status in the United States. Offices in Ukraine and in the USA allow us to provide a full range of brokers, lawyers, auditors, financial experts to ensure the most profitable and reliable investment of the client.


E5/EB-5 visa (Green Card through investment)

US immigration law provides visa category for immigrant investors whose activities are beneficial to the US economy, including through the job creation.

Residence permit (Green Card), obtained on the basis of the EB-5 visa is issued for a period of 2 years (Conditional Permanent Residence). If the investment meets the requirements listed below, the investor can obtain unconditional residence permit upon submitting the relevant documents.


An entrepreneur can apply for this type of visa in the event that he has established a new commercial enterprise:


Establishing commercial enterprise means any for profit, lawful activity, such as:


To qualify for immigration status, a foreign investor must invest the following minimum qualifying amounts:

The investor may also invest in a “Regional Center”. In some cases, such investments are more preferable, since they exclude the need for the investor to constantly monitor the activities of the enterprise, and give him more personal freedom.

The Feod Group has expertise in the conduct of International business and in knowledge of the U.S. Immigration Laws. Our professionals stand ready to assist clients with the understanding of the investment programs, which require substantial documentation that meets a high standard of legal sufficiency. The identification, collection and review of documents to be used as evidence are integral steps in achieving an approval of the application. In addition, tax planning is a vital exercise and experts can be made available.

Article author

William Slattery Managing Рartner
William Slattery graduated in Management from Middlesex County College New Jersey (USA). Has 27 years experience in a variety of immigration services in the USA. Prior to 1998 headed the Department of Immigration and Naturalization Service of Washington (USA). He was appointed Special Commissione...
William Slattery graduated in Management from Middlesex County College New Jersey (USA). Has 27 years experience in a variety of immigration services in the USA. Prior to 1998 headed the Department of Immigration and Naturalization Service of Washington (USA). He was appointed Special Commissioner for the work with migrants in the United States, 26.000 employees were under his supervision. William Slattery provides professional consultation for clients of Feod Group on various aspects of migration and citizenship to USA, Canada and Australia, as well as full immigration support for such categories :
  • obtaining of immigrant and non immigrant visas;
  • changing immigration status inside USA;
  • renewal of immigration status;
  • working with complex cases and with visa denial.
Speaks English , Italian.
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Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

Our experts
Elena Georghiou
Founder and Managing Partner
George Georghiou
Managing Partner
Tetyana Lementarova
Managing Director
William Slattery
Managing Рartner
Chryso Christofidou
Managing Director
Christopher Pelentrides
United Kingdom
Peter Petrou
United Kingdom
Daniele Papone
Jerome Da Ros
Stefan Toffol
Luhina Iryna
Director of Feod Group Kyiv
Rimma Dontsova
Head of Department
Visas and Immigration
Anastasia Taran
Head of Corporate Services
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