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Visa and immigration to Monaco

Feod Group provides professional assistance in obtaining all types of visas, as well as in extending stay and obtaining immigration status in Monaco.
The company has lawyers with more than 27 years of experience.
Offices in Europe, USA and Ukraine.

Monaco is considered one of the richest countries in the world. Favorable tax policy of the Principality, together with incredible natural landscapes attracts people with a high level of wealth from around the world.

The demand for obtaining Monaco residency among wealthy people is also associated with the desire to protect the accumulated capital in connection with the start of a large-scale procedure for the automatic exchange of tax information between states. The Principality of Monaco is known for maintaining complete confidentiality about its residents.

The benefits of living in Monaco:

Types of resident cards in Monaco

1. Temporary resident card (Сarte De Sejour Temporaire)
This card is issued for a period of 12 months, of which 3 months the card holder must reside in the territory of Monaco. Violation of the terms of residence entails a refusal to extend the card.

After 12 months, you can extend your residence status 2 more times (for a total of 3 years), after which you can qualify for a three-year Monaco residence card.

2. Three-year resident card (Сarte De Sejour Ordinaire)
This card is issued for 3 years after the expiration of which you can extend your residence for another 3 years. The conditions of this residence are identical to the temporary: from 12 months in the year the applicant must be in Monaco for at least 3 months.

If you want to live in Monaco for more than 3 months a year, you will be interested in a privileged resident card.

3. Privileged resident card (Carte de Sêjour Privilegie)
Privileged resident card is issued immediately for 10 years. This residency can be renewed an unlimited number of times.

The condition for this type of residence is to stay in Monaco for at least 183 days a year.
The holder of Carte de Sêjour Privilegie has the opportunity to apply for the status of Monaco Citizenship. However, the applicant for citizenship must have good reasons, one of which is living in Monaco for at least 10 years and be integrated into the economies and culture of the country.

How to get a residence in Monaco

Obtaining a residence permit in Monaco is a complicated procedure. A small territory of the principality does not allow to accept all comers, therefore prospective residents are selected according to strict criteria.

1. A financially independent foreigner
A popular program among wealthy clients of Feod Group.

This program implies that the Applicant has a steady income from a business that is received outside of Monaco.
The minimum income level is between 3,000 Euros per month per Applicant and increases depending on the number of family members who will also live in Monaco.

In addition to a steady income, the applicant must also present:

This amount can be broken down in parts.

The application may include the Applicant’s spouse and minor children under 18 years of age.

2. Opening a business or branch of a company
This category is suitable for those who want to open a new business or open a branch of an existing company in Monaco.

This category is one of the most difficult, as the Applicant needs to prove the relevance and viability of this business in Monaco.

Since Monaco is one of the richest countries in the world, the country’s economy does not need new companies.

If you have a unique business plan, and you are confident in the success of the company, you must fulfill the relevant requirements for obtaining the residence of Monaco:

If the Applicant wants to open a branch of an already existing company, then the need to pay income tax in the amount of 33.3% should be taken into account if the Company receives more than 25% of income abroad of the Principality.

3. Employment
Having a working contract with a company registered or having a representative office in Monaco gives the right to get a working residence permit.

Applicant must meet the following requirements:

The duration of a residence permit depends on the duration of the working contract.

4. Training in Monaco
Students of educational institutions in Monaco are granted a resident permit for the duration of their studies.

To do this, the applicant must:

As in the case of a work visa, the residency card expires immediately after the completion of training in an educational institution.

Citizenship of Monaco

Monaco citizenship is one of the most desirable statuses in the world. But despite this, of the 38,000 permanent residents of Monaco, only 8,000 have the status of Citizens of Monaco.

There is an assumption that this is due to the fact that dual citizenship is prohibited in Monaco and the holder of a Monaco passport must refuse all available passports.

In order to obtain Citizenship in Monaco, the applicant must have resided in the territory of Monaco for the last 10 years since the Applicant turned 18 years old.

If the Applicant already has a Privileged Residency Card (Carte de Sêjour Privilegie), then it can be applied for citizenship within a year.

Also, minor children of the applicants automatically receive citizenship simultaneously with their parents.

The citizenship of Monaco gives indisputable advantages:


The Principality of Monaco is an almost tax-free jurisdiction:

The remaining relatives are taxed up to 13% (the amount of tax duty depends on the degree of kinship of the heir or recipient):
8% – brother or sister,
10% – uncle, aunt, nephews,
13% more distant relatives
16% – not relatives

Feod Group services:

Immigration and visa:

Business and legal:

Feod Group also provides its clients with related services related to relocation and adaptation in the country: family relocation services in Monaco, enrollment of children in schools and many others.

For more information about the program of obtaining residence permits, permanent residence and citizenship of Monaco – sign up for a meeting with the directors of the Feod Group.

Article author

Elena Georghiou Founder and Managing Director
Elena Georghiou – Founder and Managing Director of Feod Group. Has two higher educations: the first at the Odessa State Polytechnic University, majoring in automation and computer engineering (1986) and second in the Moscow State Law Academy, majoring in law (1991). Has work experience in London i...
Elena Georghiou – Founder and Managing Director of Feod Group. Has two higher educations: the first at the Odessa State Polytechnic University, majoring in automation and computer engineering (1986) and second in the Moscow State Law Academy, majoring in law (1991). Has work experience in London immigration law firms. Is a regular participant in seminars and trainings on immigration, corporate and private law of the European Union. Elena Georghiou has more than 25 years of legal experience and heads the specialized Residency and Citizenship practice across European countries, UK and USA advising HNWIs and their families on:
  • immigration planning;
  • consultations on obtaining alternative (second) citizenship;
  • Residency and Citizenship by Investment;
  • business immigration;
  • preparation of appeals, working with complex immigration cases.
She advises individuals and corporate clients for wealth/business structuring and assets protection. Central to her Managerial role in the company she initiated and united high level lawyers and other top professionals around the word in order to provide Feod Group clients with bespoke level of legal and business services word wide, keeping the staff focused on the opportunities and challenges faced by each individual client. Speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English.
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Elena Georghiou
Founder and Managing Director
George Georghiou
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Tetyana Lementarova
Managing Partner
William Slattery
Managing Рartner
Chryso Christofidou
Managing Director
Christopher Pelentrides
United Kingdom
Peter Petrou
United Kingdom
Daniele Papone
Jerome Da Ros
Stefan Toffol
Luhina Iryna
Head of department
Visas and Immigration
Rimma Dontsova
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Visas and Immigration
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Head of Corporate Services
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