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Family Immigration to the USA

With immigration specialization since 1992, Feod Group are able to assist in obtaining all types of family visas to USA: fiancée/fiancée, spouse/wife visa, immideate relative visas and other categories. Feod Group team leading by William Slattery provide full immigration support in submitting petitions in the USA and preparing the applicant for visa interview in the home country, Ukraine. We have offices in USA, UK and Ukraine.

The Advocates and Senior Immigration Experts of The Feod Group can advise you on the appropriate visa type and documents required for successful visa application. The Feod Group is pleased that it has a unique position distinguishing it from others in providing legal services in that it has offices both in Ukraine (Kiev and Odessa), and in the USA . This allows the staff to work closely with clients on both continents. It is an important distinction because family reunion visas initially require the filing of a petition in the USA by the USA Citizen/Permanent Resident Petitioner and then, upon approval, the filing of a visa application with the American Consulate by the principal applicant.

The relative petition filed in the USA with the USA Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) begins the immigration process by asking the USA Government to recognize the status of the relatives for immigration purposes. Once this has been achieved, the application is transferred to the USA State Department via the National Visa Center (NVC). At the NVC, there is a financial exercise (Application of Support (AOS)), conducted to ensure that the petitioner filing the application has sufficient funds to support the alien beneficiary. The third step is the forwarding off the documentation to the American Consulate. At this step, the Consular Officer will be conducting background, character and medical examination of the visa applicant.

Each of the three (3) steps requires a substantial amount of supporting documentation which must meet the grounds of legal sufficiency. Absent this documentation the visa will not be issued.

Immigration Law is complex and ever changing. Our experts are current in their knowledge and practice of the law and are often able to offer alternative visas or to discuss future immigration benefits.

In the case of an immigration to relatives/family members, it is convenient for them to contact our office in the USA (Florida), given the time difference between Ukraine and the United States. Thus, in the case of spouse/fiancée visas, our staff is positioned to better serve the needs of both the USA Citizen and the Ukrainian National.

We provide our clients with full support at all stages of the process of preparing and filing documents for all types of Family Based immigrant visas in the United States:


Filling a Petition to the US immigration Authorities (USCIS)


Submission of documents confirming the financial well-being (Affidavit of Support – AOS) in the USA Immigration Authorities (NVC):


Submission of documents to the US Consulate in Ukraine (American Consulate – AMCON):

All consultations are free as part of the contract.

We also provide advice and immigration support for the settlement of your immigration status in the United States (Adjustment of Status).


There are two groups of family reunion visas in the United States:

Visas for immediate relatives;

Visas for family preference categories.


Family reunification visas for immediate relatives

This type of visas is issued to the closest relatives of citizens of the United States, the number of such immigrants is not limited.


Immediate relative family visa types include:

IR-1: Spouse of a U.S. Citizen

IR-2: Unmarried Child Under 21 Years of Age of a U.S. Citizen

IR-3: Orphan adopted abroad by a U.S. Citizen

IR-4: Orphan to be adopted in the U.S. by a U.S. citizen

IR-5: Parent of a U.S. Citizen who is at least 21 years old


Visas for family preference categories

These visa types are for some more distant, family relationships with a USA citizens and some specified relationships with a Lawful Permanent Residents, Green Card Holders (LPR). There are year numerical limitations on family preference immigrants.


The family preference categories are:

F1: Visa for unmarried sons and daughters of U.S. citizens, and their minor children, if any;

F2: Visa for spouses, minor children, and unmarried sons and daughters (age 21 and over) of LPRs;

F3: Visa for married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens, and their spouses and minor children;

F4: Visa for brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens, and their spouses and minor children, provided the USA citizen are at least 21 years of age.


Immigrant visa for spouse of USA citizen IR1 or CR1

Spouse visa in the USA is applicable to those who have officially registered a marriage with a US citizen in the United States or in another country.

Immigrant spouse visa (IR1 or CR1) is providing to the spouse of a US citizen after approving the Petition by the Department of National Security and the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). Thus, an immigrant visa is granted to the spouse of a US citizen before entering the country.

IR1 visa is a visa for the spouse of a US citizen whose marriage lasts more than two years. A visa of this category provides a permanent residence permit (Green Card) without any restrictions.

CR1 visa is a visa for the spouse of a US citizen whose marriage lasts less than two years. The main difference from IR1 is that the residence permit obtained on the basis of CR1 is conditional, temporary, in fact. If, within two years after arriving in the United States, the marriage is terminated, the alien is required to leave the territory of the United States (there are exceptions to this rule). In the event that after two years the marriage continues, the spouse of a US citizen has the right to file a petition to remove the condition of his/her status.


Nonimmigrant US Visa for a Fiancé(e) K-1

For couples who have not yet register marriage, a nonimmigrant fiancé(e) visa (K1) is available, provided that a partner is a citizen of the United States. Obtaining of such a visa allows an alien to enter the country, and within 90 days after the arrival register a marriage. If this condition is met, the fiancé(e) become eligible to apply for adjustment of status to a permanent resident (Green Card). Unmarried children of K-1 visa applicants under the age of 21 can obtain a K-2 visa.

A prerequisite for obtaining this visa category is the absence of legal obstacles for the conclusion of such a marriage.


Nonimmigrant visa for spouse of US citizen K-3

This category is a nonimmigrant visa for spouse of US citizen who is awaiting approval of the immigrant Petition. A visa of this category allows to avoid a separate living of spouses for the period of obtaining of IR1 or CR1 visas. Unmarried children under 21 years of K-3 visa applicants can obtain a K-4 visa.

To obtain family-based visas, applicants must, in addition to the general documents, (a completed application form, a passport, proof of payment of government fees, photographs, medical documents) provide evidence of: genuine nature of the relationship, the financial status of the US citizen sponsor, etc.

Feod Group provides its clients with an extensive range of services with regard of obtaining of visas to the United States. Our services involve both the expertise of retired USA Immigration Officer and Ukrainian caseworkers supporting your application. Our attorneys will provide you with exhaustive information on how to obtain a family-based visa to the United States, the list of required documents, will help to complete them, and also prepare you for an interview at the Embassy.

Article author

Rimma Dontsova Head of Department
Visas and Immigration
In 1982 graduated Kiev State University , Romano-Germanic Philology Dept, the qualification of a Romano-Germanic Philology (philologist), an English teacher. Has 10 years of experience as an English teacher in a school of foreign languages ​​"Interlingva" (Kiev). 1993-2009 - British Embass...
In 1982 graduated Kiev State University , Romano-Germanic Philology Dept, the qualification of a Romano-Germanic Philology (philologist), an English teacher. Has 10 years of experience as an English teacher in a school of foreign languages ​​"Interlingva" (Kiev). 1993-2009 - British Embassy Kiev, Visa Section. 2009-2012 - British Embassy, Kiev, Risk Assessment Unit. Since 2012 Rimma Dontsova is a specialist of Visa and Immigration in Feod Group. With many years of experience in immigration services, Rimma Dontsova specialises in:
  • preparation and evaluation of documents for submission to the immigration authorities of Great Britain and other European countries, as well as the United States and Canada for immigrant and non-immigrant status;
  • preparation of documents for submission for visa after visa refusal;
  • preparation of appeals.
Speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English.
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Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

Our experts
Elena Georghiou
Founder and Managing Partner
George Georghiou
Managing Partner
Tetyana Lementarova
Managing Director
William Slattery
Managing Рartner
Chryso Christofidou
Managing Director
Christopher Pelentrides
United Kingdom
Peter Petrou
United Kingdom
Daniele Papone
Jerome Da Ros
Stefan Toffol
Luhina Iryna
Director of Feod Group Kyiv
Rimma Dontsova
Head of Department
Visas and Immigration
Anastasia Taran
Head of Corporate Services
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