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Business and property

Purchase of business abroad

Purchase of business abroad

Our services in the selection of the investment project or business in Europe, the USA and Canada.

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Property sourcing

Property sourcing

Individual selection under the client's criteria. Wide choice of countries and objects.

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Investment in property

Investment in property

Selection, verification and registration of the property in Europe, the USA and other countries

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Financial investment

Financial investment

The formation and maintenance of financial investment in securities and investment funds.

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Feod Group Managing Partner George Georghiou's presentation on international investments and buying business abroad.

Feod Group has successfully operated since 1992 and has its offices in the UK, Ukraine, Cyprus and the USA with business partners (immigration solicitors, brokers, accountants, auditors, real estate agents and other specialist) in all EU countries, as well as in the USA, Canada and Australia.

Feod Group offers a unique bespoke international business and property service. We have established strategic alliances with foreign based associates with in-depth local knowledge and expertise to assist in sourcing only the best value options for our growing client base. With the ever increasing growth of international travel, the world is becoming smaller and more accessible and with Feod Group we firmly believe that individuals with the means to do so, should do so and consolidate their future with an astute calculated well planned investment programme. Our team of professionals comprise the necessary experience and expertise to source the best business and property options for our clients.

Feod Group in co-operation with its partners can provide the total coordination of all activities essential for the purchasing and management of the property, its maintenance, security and operation. We can provide you with a complete line of professional real estate services.

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