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Investor visa to Italy
Permesso di soggiorno per investitori

Since 1992 Feod Group has been providing a wide range of immigration, business and legal services in Italy

The company includes international and Italian lawyers



Investor visa to Italy


In 2017, Italy joined the European trend of attracting wealthy investors and their capital and introduced the category of investor visa – visto investitori – into immigration legislation.

In May 2020, the Italian Government adopted the Reconstruction Decree (Decreto Rilancio) No. 34, which aims to restore the Italian economy in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic.

In accordance with the provisions of this Decree, in order to attract foreign financial assets, the size of some types of investments has been halved.

In addition, the requirement for a mandatory stay in the country has been canceled.

The Italy Residence by Investment Program is designed for foreign investors who are committed to making a significant contribution to the country’s economy, granting them Italian residence and visa-free access to Europe’s Schengen Area.

Residence permit in Italy by investment gives the right to unhindered entry and visit without visas to the EU and Schengen countries.
Italian citizens are also citizens of the European Union and can live and work in any EU country. All these benefits can be obtained through immigration to Italy by investment.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit for investment in Italy

1. For a residence permit in Italy on an investor visa, a foreigner who has invested can apply:

2. The investment must be placed within three months after entering Italy.
3. The investment period must be at least 2 years.
4. The investor must prove that he has sufficient income to support his residence in Italy.
5. Documentary confirmation of the source of origin of funds for investments and the right to them.

Other provisions of the Investor Visa in Italy

The investor’s family members can obtain residence permits in Italy together with the main investor.

Categories of family members for whom reunification is allowed:
— the spouse with whom the applicant is legally married;
— unmarried minor children;
— adult children, if, for objective reasons, they cannot provide their necessary vital needs due to their state of health;
— parents if they have no other children in their country of origin, and if other children are unable to support them for documented, serious reasons.

After entering Italy, the investor is issued a residence permit for a period of two years (permesso di soggiorno “per investitori”), which can be extended for another three years, subject to all legal requirements.

After 5 years, one can apply for a permanent residence permit in Italy.

After 10 years of uninterrupted residence, it is possible to start the procedure for obtaining Italian citizenship.

The issuance of an investor visa provides for verification of the source of investment. For immigration to Italy by investment, the applicant must submit:
— Documents confirming the availability and ownership of the amount to be invested, as well as the availability of these amounts and the possibility of their transfer to Italy.
— Confirmation of the legal origin of funds, in particular the investor’s tax returns.
— Confirmation of the absence of any criminal record, as well as unpaid debts for the last 10 years before the application was submitted.
— a declaration in which the applicant undertakes to use the funds for investment or donations within three months after entering Italy and to keep the investment for at least two years.
— A written statement detailing the characteristics and recipients of the investment or donation.

Please take into account that the criteria and documents provided are generalized and do not take into account the specifics of each applicant.

To provide personalized recommendations, please contact our specialists for advice.


    How to obtain an Investor visa in Italy?

    Citizens of countries outside the EU can obtain an Investor visa to Italy.

    To obtain a residence permit in Italy through the Investor Visa program, the applicant is required to invest from 250,000 €.

    One also need to pass a due diligence check: to confirm the legality of the source of funds, the absence of convictions and tax arrears.

    In what can I invest in Italy?

    You can invest in innovative start-ups, in the authorized capital of Italian companies, in government bonds, and charitable donations to socially significant projects are also allowed.

    For how long are visas issued to investors in Italy?

    The investor is issued a residence permit for a period of 2 years (permesso di soggiorno “per investitori”), which can be renewed.

    Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in Italy through real estate investment?

    There is no real estate investment program in Italy. The purchase of real estate in Italy is viewed solely as an additional benefit.

    Do I need to live in Italy after obtaining a residence permit and to extend it in the future?

    According to the conditions for obtaining a residence permit in Italy for investments, there are no requirements for permanent residence in the country. However, there is a requirement to support the investment during the entire period of the residence permit.

    Article author

    Luhina Iryna Director of Feod Group Kyiv
    Iryna Luhina joined Feod Group in 2018 and has established herself as a highly qualified professional. Her expertise includes company registration, bank account opening, and immigration support. ...

    Iryna Luhina joined Feod Group in 2018 and has established herself as a highly qualified professional. Her expertise includes company registration, bank account opening, and immigration support.

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    Why clients choose Feod Group

    Since 1992, Feod Group has been providing a wide range of legal, business and immigration services in Europe, the USA and other countries of the world.

    The company has accredited western lawyers, experts in various fields of law and jurisdictions of the world.

    Having offices in Europe and the USA, Feod Group provides rapid paperwork and maximum customer comfort.

    We provide our clients with related services, such as relocation and adaptation abroad, organizing family relocation abroad, enrollment of children in schools and many other services.

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    Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

    Our experts
    Elena Georghiou
    Founder and Managing Partner
    George Georghiou
    Managing Partner
    Tetyana Lementarova
    Managing Director
    William Slattery
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    Chryso Christofidou
    Managing Director
    Christopher Pelentrides
    United Kingdom
    Peter Petrou
    United Kingdom
    Daniele Papone
    Jerome Da Ros
    Stefan Toffol
    Luhina Iryna
    Director of Feod Group Kyiv
    Rimma Dontsova
    Head of Department
    Visas and Immigration
    Anastasia Taran
    Head of Corporate Services
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