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Benefits of Obtaining Cyprus Tax Residency Status

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Преимущества получения статуса налогового резидента Кипра в 2020


How to Properly Obtain Cyprus Tax Residency to Maximize Its Advantages?



Relocating tax residency to a low-tax jurisdiction is a popular request among entrepreneurs. However, before obtaining this tax status, it is essential to follow several steps, understand the requirements, weigh all pros and cons, and gather all potential benefits for yourself, your family, and your business under one status.

Learn more about Cyprus tax residency status and taxes in Cyprus »


Benefits of Cyprus Tax Residency for Beneficiaries


Cyprus offers unique opportunities for individuals seeking to optimize their tax obligations and conduct business in an international environment. One of the key advantages is the possibility of becoming a Cyprus tax resident by meeting minimal requirements.

1st Advantage:
You can obtain Cyprus tax residency status even by residing in the country for only 60 days per year. Moreover, the tax residency certificate can be issued at any time of the year after submitting your application and meeting the following conditions:

Once all these conditions are met, you can apply for and receive the Cyprus tax residency certificate.


Benefits of Cyprus Tax Residency for Businesses


2nd Business Advantage:
Based on our experience and comparisons with other low-tax jurisdictions in the EU (Madeira, Malta, Canary Islands), non-domiciled tax residency in Cyprus offers significantly more benefits for both beneficiaries and companies. Here are some key advantages:

Read also: How to Register a Company in Cyprus in 2025.


Benefits of Cyprus Tax Residency for the Beneficiary’s Family



3rd Advantage for the Beneficiary’s Family:
Cyprus offers not only unique opportunities for the beneficiary but also significant advantages for their family. With flexible legislation and high living standards, relocating to the island becomes comfortable and beneficial for all family members.

Thus, Cyprus tax residency status not only provides favorable business conditions but also creates a comfortable and stable foundation for the entire family’s life.


Feod Group Services in Cyprus


If you want to learn more about the opportunities for tax residency in Cyprus and evaluate how beneficial it can be for you and your family, contact us for a consultation!

Get in touch with us for professional tax and immigration advice in Cyprus!




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