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Feod Group Partner William Slattery explains the process of visa application preparation.

Feod Group: Visas and Immigration

Feod Group Partner William Slattery explains the process of visa application preparation.

Feod Group is an international group of companies, founded in 1992, professionally specialized in a wide range of visa, immigration, legal, consulting and business services.

Why clients choose Feod Group:

We have been operating since 1992 and our clients are citizens of the EU and other countries around the world for over 20 years

Feod Group remains the only company in Ukraine that includes Western immigration lawyers, as well as specialists with experience with embassies and immigration structures of foreign countries

Our offices are in Cyprus, Great Britain, Ukraine and the USA allowing us to promptly provide a full range of services regardless of the location of our clients

We provide our clients with services related to relocation and adaptation abroad, services for organizing family relocation abroad, enrollment of children in schools and much more

We guarantee complete confidentiality for each client.

About immigration

First, we understand the migration terminology, and how these terms differ.


– is a broad concept that involves the movement, relocation of people from one
region to another (within the country) or from one country to another.


– is entering from one country to another for long-term or permanent

Emigration– is relocating from one country to another.

Both the terms emigration and immigration refer to the processes of movement of people to another country for permanent residence. However, immigration is considered in relation to the country where migrants enter, and emigration is used in relation to the country from which they are leaving.

Therefore, it is correct to say, for example, “immigration to Portugal” and “emigration from the country of permanent residence”.

A temporary residence permit (residence permit)

is a document that gives the right to
temporarily (usually for 1 year) stay in a foreign country. The residence permit can be extended
and eventually replaced with permanent residence.

Permanent residence (indefinite leave to remain)

is the right of residence in a foreign state
permanently. Usually, to obtain permanent residence, you need several years living in the
country. But there are programs that allow you to obtain permanent residence straight forward
upon successful visa application. For example: permanent residence in Cyprus for property
owners, permanent residence in Greece for investors in property, Greek companies and through
bank deposit in Greek banks.

Residence by investment (in different countries it is called the Investor or Golden visa)

– this is obtaining a residence permit or permanent residence when buying real estate, government bonds, investing in the countrys economy, bank deposit.

Business immigration

is obtaining a residence permit by investment into new or existing business.


is a citizenship process used by persons who were not born in the host country and  who meet the state requirements on minimum legal residency, adequate knowledge of the national
language or culture.

Citizenship by investment

is the issuance of a second passport through investing in the
economy of a foreign country. Requirements for the type and size of investments depend on the specific jurisdiction, as well as the advantages associated with obtaining a particular passport.

Questions and answers about immigration

How to get a residence permit in EU, USA or other countries?
  • Apply for correct immigration visa
  • Submit supporting evidence related to your stay, i.e. student, worker, company owner, financial independent foreigner, investor or family member
  • Submit non-criminal record
  • Have a national health insurance
  • Pass a health check which proves you are healthy enough to reside in the country
  • Be financially stable and support yourself and your family.
  • Upon arrival to country, apply for a resident card
Where is it easier to obtain a residence permit in Europe?

Countries that provide a high standard of living, medicine, safety, good education for children, and social
and economic benefits are not “easy” to immigrate.

At the same time, if the client wants to obtain a residence permit as a safe heaven, many EU countries
offer special programs for obtaining a residence permit without the requirement for a physical residence:
Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Greece.

How to obtain a second citizenship?

You can obtain a second citizenship:

  • Through naturalization. To do this, you must legally reside in the country with the status of a
    residence permit and permanent residence for a specified period – from 3 years or more.
  • Through government programs Citizenship by Investment. Citizenship by investment can be
    obtained from 6 months.
Which countries offer citizenship by investment?

Countries that grant citizenship by investment are concentrated in the Caribbean and Europe.
These are Montenegro, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia and


    Our Immigration Services

    Qualified specialists of Feod Group have extensive experience in providing various services related to the registration and legalization of immigration documents, obtaining permanent
    residence, citizenship by investment and who are able to provide highly qualified advice on immigration and traveling abroad for the whole family.

    In addition, our specialists will provide you with services not only for obtaining long-term visas and immigration statuses, but also all the necessary services related to moving abroad.

    Visa and immigration services Feod Group

    Consultation with Western immigration attorneys and immigration specialists

    Obtaining a residence permit and citizenship in the EU, USA, UK and Ukraine

    Change and extension of the status of residence abroad

    Family immigration, family reunification

    Obtaining Citizenship by Investment of Cyprus, Malta, Montenegro and the Caribbean

    Professional assistance in situations related to visa refusals, visa cancellations, including in the difficult cases

    Immigration support in the country of destination


      Countries where we offer visa and immigration support

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      Our experts
      Elena Georghiou
      Founder and Managing Partner
      George Georghiou
      Managing Partner
      Tetyana Lementarova
      Managing Director
      William Slattery
      Managing Рartner
      Chryso Christofidou
      Managing Director
      Christopher Pelentrides
      United Kingdom
      Peter Petrou
      United Kingdom
      Daniele Papone
      Jerome Da Ros
      Stefan Toffol
      Luhina Iryna
      Director of Feod Group Kyiv
      Rimma Dontsova
      Head of Department
      Visas and Immigration
      Anastasia Taran
      Head of Corporate Services
      Our reviews
      Alexander and Julia Lungu

      Ми щасливі, тому що вже разом. Але так було не завжди. Дякуємо «Феод Груп» за […]

      Lydia Bedlingmaer

      I would like to thank Rimma, Irina, William Slattery, and the entire Feod Group team […]

      Ольга К.

      Я проходила обучение в Embassy CES London UCL (Ramsay) с 1 августа по 15 августа […]

      Ray and Julia Maple

      Many thanks to the staff at Feod Group for their help in making our dreams come true […]

      D. Kristina

      We want to say many thanks to all Feod Group specialists and especially to Rimma […]

      Polina and Edward Brown

      Having received a denial of the I-130 Petition, we approached Feod Group. I am married […]

      Ashley and Olga

      We are very grateful to Feodgroup for your high professionalism and help in getting the […]


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