Since 1992, Feod Group has been providing professional assistance at all stages of obtaining a family reunification permit in Italy. The company includes Italian lawyers. Offices in Europe, the USA, and Ukraine.
Since 1992, Feod Group clients have received professional services in document preparation for all types of visa applications, obtaining residence permits (temporary and permanent), and Italian citizenship. The transition to other residence categories in Italy also falls within the company’s expertise. All legal and financial processes involve both Ukrainian specialists and Italian lawyers with many years of experience in this field.
Categories for Family Reunification
If close relatives reside in Italy, the applicant has the right to request a family reunification permit and join their relative.
This category includes:
Reunification with an Italian citizen or a citizen of another EU country.
Reunification with a foreigner legally residing in Italy.
In both cases, eligible family members include:
A legally married spouse.
Unmarried minor children and children of the spouse, provided all necessary permissions are in place.
Dependent adult children with serious health conditions.
Dependent parents who have no other children in their country of origin or parents over 65 whose other children are unable to support them due to serious health issues.
Reunification with an Italian Citizen or an EU Citizen
Currently, this category of foreigners benefits from a simplified procedure, allowing them to obtain a short-term Schengen visa for up to 90 days.
Within 8 days of entering Italy, the relative of an Italian citizen must go to the Police Department at their place of residence and submit a request for a residence permit valid for 5 years (Carta di soggiorno per stranieri). After 5 years, the relative has the right to apply for permanent residence (Carta di soggiorno permanente per familiare di cittadini europei).
Reunification with a Foreigner Legally Residing in Italy
Foreigners legally residing in Italy with a residence permit valid for at least one year have the right to apply for family reunification.
The mandatory conditions for such reunification include:
Proof of adequate housing that meets sanitary and hygienic standards, with sufficient living space for all family members.
Sufficient annual income of the main applicant, depending on the family composition.
Prior approval for family reunification (Il nulla osta al ricongiungimento familiare).
Only after obtaining nulla osta can relatives apply for a Type D visa at the consulate.
Upon arrival in Italy, they must apply for a residence permit for family reasons (Il permesso di soggiorno per motivi familiari), which is issued for the same duration as the residence permit of the main applicant.
Challenges in Family Reunification in Italy
Please note that the recommendations and document requirements outlined above are general and may not account for the specific circumstances of each applicant. To receive a personalized list of required documents, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our specialists.
Assistance with Family Reunification in Italy
Feod Group provides professional assistance at all stages of obtaining a residence permit, extending immigration status, and acquiring Italian citizenship. Our experts have extensive experience handling even the most complex visa cases.
Legal support is provided by Italian specialists in collaboration with our Ukrainian team, which is particularly important given that this type of visa involves both the submission of documents in Ukraine and obtaining the necessary authorization in Italy.
In 1982 graduated Kiev State University , Romano-Germanic Philology Dept, the qualification of a Romano-Germanic Philology (philologist), an English teacher. Has 10 years of experience as an English teacher in a school of foreign languages "Interlingva" (Kiev). 1993-2009 - British Embass...
In 1982 graduated Kiev State University , Romano-Germanic Philology Dept, the qualification of a Romano-Germanic Philology (philologist), an English teacher. Has 10 years of experience as an English teacher in a school of foreign languages "Interlingva" (Kiev). 1993-2009 - British Embassy Kiev, Visa Section. 2009-2012 - British Embassy, Kiev, Risk Assessment Unit. Since 2012 Rimma Dontsova is a specialist of Visa and Immigration in Feod Group. With many years of experience in immigration services, Rimma Dontsova specialises in:
preparation and evaluation of documents for submission to the immigration authorities of Great Britain and other European countries, as well as the United States and Canada for immigrant and non-immigrant status;
preparation of documents for submission for visa after visa refusal;