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Registration of companies abroad

Many of our clients open and develop their business in the most dynamically developing world markets, such as the United Kingdom, Schengen countries, the Middle East, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, USA, Canada, Australia, where starting and developing a business requires entrepreneurs to hire highly qualified  specialists.

Quite often, in order to run an  international business, our clients need professional legal support, both from a Ukrainian lawyer and from one abroad, and the interests of our client have to  be protected from both sides.

Feod Group provides these legal international services to its clients, being a  group of companies with highly qualified foreign specialists from different countries.

Also, foreign specialist of Feod Group regularly hold online consultations for our clients in Ukraine, saving their  time and money.

Feod Group provides the following types of services to corporate and private clients:

–  the USA, Bahamas, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Caymans, Nevis, Panama, Turkic Islands and Caicos

– All European Union countries and Switzerland


– Hong Kong, Singapore, Seychelles

– Including “company registration in 1 day”

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    Our experts
    Elena Georghiou
    Founder and Managing Director
    George Georghiou
    Managing Director
    United Kingdom
    Tetyana Lementarova
    Managing Partner
    William Slattery
    Managing Рartner
    Chryso Christofidou
    Managing Director
    Christopher Pelentrides
    United Kingdom
    Peter Petrou
    United Kingdom
    Daniele Papone
    Jerome Da Ros
    Stefan Toffol
    Luhina Iryna
    Head of department
    Visas and Immigration
    Rimma Dontsova
    Senior Adviser
    Visas and Immigration
    Anastasia Taran
    Head of Corporate Services
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