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Peter Petrou

    Peter Petrou

    United Kingdom

    Peter Petrou graduated from Kings’ College London University (UK) where he studied Law and obtained LLB (Hons). He then attended BPP law school in London where he received a Distinction in his Legal Practice Course.

    Peter started his legal profession at leading US Law Firm Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP where he joined their Capital Markets department. Peter’s main practice involved advising on a wide range of equity, equity-linked and debt capital markets transactions, including IPO’s and Stock Market listings. He was involved in several multi-million and billion-dollar transactions for several blue chip clients.

    Peter then moved to Trowers & Hamlins LLP, a law firm based in Central London, which is consistently ranked as one of the leading law firms in the Middle-East. During his time at Trowers & Hamlins LLP, Peter assisted his clients in Africa, Russia, India and the Middle-East on several real estate, corporate, project finance transactions and litigation.

    Peter is recognised by the Good Lawyer Guide in the UK for outstanding legal practice. Peter also sits on the board of several companies where he holds the role of legal advisor.

    Peter is an Ambassador to the UK Cyprus Enterprise Council and was also recently awarded an award from Property Investor Africa for “Outstanding Contribution to Real Estate in Africa 2014”.

    Peter Petrou advises and assists Feod Group clients on:

    Speaks English, Greek.

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