Family reunification in Ukraine
With immigration specialization since 1992, Feod Group are able to assist in obtaining all types of family visas to Ukraine: fiancée/fiancée, spouse/wife visa, immediate relative visas and other categories. Feod Group team leading by English speaking lawyers, provide full immigration support in Ukraine. We have offices in USA, UK and Ukraine.
According Ukrainian legislation family reunion can be a ground for obtaining a Permanent residence permit for:
- one of the married couple provided that the other one to whom he/she is married for over two years is the citizen of Ukraine, as well as to children and parents of the Ukrainian citizens;
- the persons who are a brother of a sister, a grandfather or a grandmother, a grandson or a granddaughter of the citizens of Ukraine;
- immigrant’s parents, husband (wife) or his/her minor children;
or Temporary residence permit for:
- husband (wife) of the Ukrainian citizens provided that they are married for less than two years;
- husband (wife) and the minor children of the foreigner who officially resides on the territory of Ukraine.
Foreigner, who officially resides on the territory of Ukraine, has the right to invite the family on the ground of family reunion and obtain all necessary residence documents.
If the family consists of the partner (with officially registered relations: marriage certificate) and children (under 18 years), the procedure goes smoothly.
Staying on the territory of Ukraine under family reunion grounds possible only if partners are officially married. Ukrainian legislation does not recognize civil union contracts or any other similar documents for common living, besides marriage certificate.
If marriage was concluded in the territory of Ukraine and a foreigner does not have a valid temporary residence permit, he or she shall leave and enter Ukraine over again with a “D” type visa based on family reunification.
The problem arises when it comes to adult children (above 18). Ukrainian legislation does not provide the possibility for an adult child to immigrate for family reunification.
In this situation an adult child can obtain a visa under other reasons, for example on the basis of obtaining higher education. A student visa as a rule can be obtained only after enrollment to the University, which usually occurs in the spring or summer.
Help with family reunification in Ukraine
Should you choose to instruct Feod Group, you don’t have to worry how to prepare the full package of documents to be submitted to the State Migration Service of Ukraine. We will take care of filling in all the necessary application forms, formalizing of statements.
Upon obtaining the clients instructions we will attend to the certificates and notarised copies of the documents.
Receiving of residence permit on the ground of family reunification is one of the most widespread methods of legalization of continuous stay of a foreigner on the territory of Ukraine. Such reunification has many combinations and lots of nuances. We recommend you use us for our professional consultations where an international solicitor will provide you with information on the relevant paragraphs of the immigration rules and full explanation on them. Your personal circumstances will be evaluated. You will obtain professional advice on the best and most successful solution to your problem.
If you would like to obtain an initial consultation, please contact our office in Kiev (Ukraine) +380443839030, Odessa (Ukraine) +380482324438. You can also contact our staff at Feod Group office in London +442081237130 or USA, Florida +19047294049.
Article author
Anastasia Taran Head of Corporate Services
Ukraine In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes i...
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes in immigration and corporate law of European countries, particularly:
- family and corporate immigration solutions.
- establishing a business in Europe.
- personal and corporate taxation in Europe.
- opening accounts in European banks.
- obtaining a tax resident status.
Countries where we offer visa and immigration support: