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About the company

Founded in 1992, today Feod Group is an international group of companies professionally specializing in a wide range of legal, consulting and business services to corporate and private clients:

✔ Immigration services
✔ Corporate services
✔ International tax planning
✔ Investing abroad
✔ Protection of assets and capital
✔ Opening bank accounts abroad
✔ Buying and managing real estate
✔ Study abroad


Feod Group offices are located in Europe and the USA, which allows our international team to quickly provide a full range of services, regardless of the country where the client is located.
The Feod Group company is focused on solving the tasks set by the client on complex situations. This approach, known as “One Stop Shop”, provides an opportunity not only to save time on consultations with specialists in various jurisdictions, but also to be on the pulse of ever changing international legislation.

Our experts

Feod Group has brought together specialists from various fields: lawyers and accredited international lawyers, trustee attorneys, international tax planners, auditors, appraisers, brokers, linguists, real estate consultants and education specialists.
The high level of qualifications and the international staff of Feod Group specialists provide clients the opportunity to receive advice and services that fully meet their desires and plans.

Elena Georghiou
Founder and Managing Director
George Georghiou
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Tetyana Lementarova
Managing Partner
William Slattery
Managing Рartner
Chryso Christofidou
Managing Director
Christopher Pelentrides
United Kingdom
Peter Petrou
United Kingdom
Daniele Papone
Jerome Da Ros
Stefan Toffol
Luhina Iryna
Head of department
Visas and Immigration
Rimma Dontsova
Senior Adviser
Visas and Immigration
Anastasia Taran
Head of Corporate Services

We provide services in all countries of the European Union, UK, USA and other countries of the world

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