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Residence permit, permanent residence and British citizenship

For 27 years Feod Group has been providing full legal support in immigration to the UK:
• Residence permit for a families, for business through investment, for employees, students, obtaining permanent residence and British citizenship
• Accompanying the purchase of real estate and business in the UK
• Education in the UK

The company has British lawyers.
Offices in the UK, USA and Ukraine.

Great Britain is traditionally very popular as a tourist and immigration destination. The charm of “old Europe” combined with an active business environment, one of the best educational systems in the world, as well as a high standard of living, all these explains the attractiveness of the United Kingdom among foreigners.

Such popularity among immigrants naturally causes tightening of the visa system of the country. UK Immigration law is very complex. Seeking the advice and assistance of an established Immigration Law firm is highly recommended to avoid delays in processing times or refusals of applications.

Immigration Planning Service

Feod Group has extensive experience in preparing documents for all types of visas and immigration to the UK. For over 27 years, the company provides its clients with a comprehensive service, including unique in Ukrainian service of immigration planning. With our assistance, you will be able both to obtain simplest visit visa and plan, for example, business immigration to the UK for the whole family.

Most complicated immigration cases conducted by our company with the participation of the head of our UK office – Mr. Christopher Pelentrides. Practicing Solicitor – Mr. Pelentrides, specialises in all aspects of Immigration and Nationality Law (including Human Rights Law), Civil and Criminal Litigation.

His experience and knowledge enables him to deal with actions in all levels of courts, from Magistrates Court to Crown Court in Criminal proceedings, and from County Court to High Court in Civil proceedings. He is also proficient in Immigration appeals and has successfully challenged the Secretary of State for the Home Department & UK Border Agency on behalf of clients.


    Solicitor in the UK

    Feod Group is pleased that it has a unique position distinguishing it from others in providing legal services in that it has offices in Ukraine (Kiev and Odessa) and in the UK (London) and other countries. This allows us to help clients even in the most complicated situations related to immigration to the United Kingdom.

    If you are in the UK and you require our professional assistance, contact our Russian-speaking immigration specialist at: 02081237130.

    Types of visas to the UK

    British immigration law provides many types of visas, which can be roughly divided into the following categories (we list only the most common categories):

    1. 1. Short-term visas to the UK:
      • Standard Visitor visa – general short-term visa;
      • Marriage Visitor visa – visa for marriage in the UK;
      • Permitted Paid Engagement visa – a visa for short-term paid activities;
      • Parent of a Tier 4 child visa – a visa for the parents of the student;
      • Short-term study visa – short-term student visa, for training for up to 11 months;
    2. 2. Student visas to the UK:
      • Tier 4 (Child) student visa – student visa for children;
      • Tier 4 (General) student visa – general student visa;
      • Short-term study visa – short-term student visa;
    3. 3. Work visas to the UK:
      • Tier 2 (General) visa – general work visa;
      • Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) visa – work visa for the transfer of an employee within the company;
      • Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) visa ;
      • Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visa;
      • Domestic Workers in a Private Household visa;
      • Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) visas;
      • Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme);
    4. 4. British visas for entrepreneurs and investors. Residence permit for investment:
      • Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) – Entrepreneur visa;
      • Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) – a visa of a young entrepreneur (graduate);
      • Tier 1 (Investor) – the Investor’s visa;
      • Representative of an Overseas Business visa – a visa of a representative of a foreign company;
    5. 5. Family immigration – reunification with British citizens or foreigners with a permanent residence permit:
      • Family of a settled person visa – a visa for the family members of a permanent resident or citizen of the United Kingdom: fiancé visa, spouse visa, visa for a partner, visa for a wife, visa for a child;
      • Visa for the family members of the investor, entrepreneur, student, employee, applicant in the category Tier1, Tier2, Tier4, Tier5;
      • EEA family permit – visas for family members of citizens of the countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area.



      Change and extension of residence permits in the UK

      Note that in the UK, in contrast, for example, from the US, foreigners who entered the country on a visit visa categories are not entitled to extend period of stay or to switch to another visa category, or residence permits, except in a certain circumstances.

      However, it is possible to switch between certain categories of visas, based on points system: Tier1, Tier2, Tier4, Tier5. More details on changing and extending the status in the UK can be found in the section “Changing and extension of the immigration status in the UK.”

      Feod Group is able to offer consultations on all aspects of UK immigration issues including extending or switching from a certain category of visa, as well as help to plan the future for you and your family.

      Permanent residence in the UK / Indefinite Leave to Remain

      Foreigners who have lived in the country legally for 5 or more years can obtain permanent resident status in Great Britain, permanent residence in the UK – Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).


        How to obtain UK citizenship

        Legislation provides two different procedures to become British citizen.

        Register as a British citizen
        Register as a British citizen is a simplified procedure for children who have the right of citizenship by origin or place of birth, as well as for citizens of the overseas territories of Great Britain.

        Naturalization is a procedure for obtaining UK citizenship voluntarily, subject to a number of legislative conditions. Such conditions are: the presence of a permanent residence permit, long-term residence in the country, knowledge of the language, history and political system of the Great Britain. You can read more about the naturalization procedure in the section: “Naturalization”

        Immigration, visa, legal and business services of Feod Group

        Our scope of immigration and visa services in the UK

        Business and legal services

        Feod Group provides its clients additional services related to relocation and adaptation in the country.


          Article author

          George Georghiou Managing Partner
          George Georghiou joined Feod Group in 2005 as a Managing Partner, bringing with him British legal education from King's College London, legal practice in London, and extensive experience in international real estate investment, including his own business in King’s Cross, London. His expertise, ...
          George Georghiou joined Feod Group in 2005 as a Managing Partner, bringing with him British legal education from King's College London, legal practice in London, and extensive experience in international real estate investment, including his own business in King’s Cross, London. His expertise, global network of partners, and "one-stop-shop" concept became the foundation of Feod Group’s comprehensive legal and business services. Through mentorship, training, and strategic development, George played a key role in expanding Feod Group into an international company, delivering high-level legal and business solutions worldwide according to Western standards. Renowned for his professionalism and mastery in handling complex international transactions, George was highly respected by clients, partners, and colleagues. For 19 years, he served as Feod Group’s Ambassador on the international stage, leaving an unforgettable legacy. The Feod Group team extends its deepest gratitude to George Georghiou for his invaluable contributions and unwavering dedication to the company's growth and success.
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          Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

          Our experts
          Elena Georghiou
          Founder and Managing Partner
          George Georghiou
          Managing Partner
          Tetyana Lementarova
          Managing Director
          William Slattery
          Managing Рartner
          Chryso Christofidou
          Managing Director
          Christopher Pelentrides
          United Kingdom
          Peter Petrou
          United Kingdom
          Daniele Papone
          Jerome Da Ros
          Stefan Toffol
          Luhina Iryna
          Director of Feod Group Kyiv
          Rimma Dontsova
          Head of Department
          Visas and Immigration
          Anastasia Taran
          Head of Corporate Services
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