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Education in France

Since 1992, Feod Group specialists have been accompanying clients both in the process of choosing an educational institution and at all stages of obtaining a student visa to France.
Offices in Europe, USA and Ukraine.

Education in France is a great opportunity to gain indispensable experience, knowledge, and realize your life plans. Specialists of Feod Group will help you choose an educational institution and course that meets the intentions of the applicant. An educational institution can be selected from among our trusted partner educational institutions, or any other officially recognized by the state.

Education Services in France

Our department for education abroad provides qualified services for processing student visa documents.

There are several types of visas for those who want to study in France:

Short-term student visa to France

A short-term student visa to France can be obtained for study programs that require a stay in France of no more than 90 days in the period of six months. It is important to know that such a visa cannot be extended in France or changed to a long-term student visa.

If in the study program it is stated that you plan to study in France for a short stay – for a year, for example, 3-4 days a month (as with MBA Executive programs or with distance learning), you can also apply for this type of visa .

Entrance Exam Visa in France

Many of the French universities – usually higher or specialized schools – after a positive review of the dossiers of applicants invite them to participate in the opening competition, according to the results of which they announce the final decision on a specific candidate.

To pass the competitive entrance examinations in France, you must obtain a special visa – Visa étudiant concours.

Such a visa is granted for a stay in France up to 90 days for the competition. In the case of successful passing the entrance exams, the student can, without leaving the country, change his status and obtain a temporary residence permit.

Long-term student visa to France

A long-term student visa is issued for study programs providing for a permanent stay in France for more than 90 days.

Required documents:

Also, the student must contact Campus France Ukraine for an appointment for an interview, during which a questionnaire is filled out, which is then forwarded by this organization directly to the consular department.


    Visa to France for minor students

    Required documents:


      Difficulty getting a student visa to France

      Please note that these lists of documents are generalized and do not take into account the specifics of each applicant. To provide a personalized list of documents, we suggest you sign up for a consultation with our experts.

      Assistance in obtaining a visa for education in France

      Feod Group is one of the leaders in organizing study programs abroad, as well as a regular participant in world educational exhibitions. We are constantly updating the list of our educational partners. The company’s specialists will help you both in the process of choosing an educational institution, and at the stage of visa processing.

      Thanks to the coordinated work of immigration specialists and lawyers from France and Ukraine, Feod Group works even with the most difficult visa cases. By contacting our company, you can be sure that you will receive professional visa support and support, and the dream of studying abroad will become a reality.

      Article author

      Tetyana Lementarova Managing Director
      Tetyana Lementaryova is the Managing Director of Feod Group, with over 20 years of experience in international business, education, and immigration. In 2004, she graduated from Nottingham Trent University (London, UK) with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business (BA Hons). In 2006, she ea...
      Tetyana Lementaryova is the Managing Director of Feod Group, with over 20 years of experience in international business, education, and immigration. In 2004, she graduated from Nottingham Trent University (London, UK) with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business (BA Hons). In 2006, she earned an MBA in Marketing Management from the European School of Economics (Rome, Italy). Between 2005 and 2009, she co-founded the Italian tour operator New Lands (Rome, Italy).

      Areas of Expertise:

      Academic Career Planning Abroad: Comprehensive support at every stage of education in the EU, UK, and USA, from choosing institutions to enrollment and document preparation. ✔ Immigration Programs: Consulting and assistance in obtaining student visas and other residency permits. ✔ Investment Projects: Selection and analysis of investment opportunities, including real estate. Tetyana actively participates in industry conferences and seminars, staying up to date with the latest trends and regulatory changes. She also shares her expertise through Feod Group publications, covering a wide range of topics, including education strategies and immigration program insights. Fluent in Ukrainian, English, Russian, Italian, and French.
      read more
      You can read more about the educational services of our company in the section Education Abroad.


      To arrange a meeting, call us at:

      +38 044 383 90 30

      +38 050 393 90 30 (Viber / WhatsApp)

      Our e-mail: [email protected]

      We will be happy to be of service to you!

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      Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

      Our experts
      Elena Georghiou
      Founder and Managing Partner
      George Georghiou
      Managing Partner
      Tetyana Lementarova
      Managing Director
      William Slattery
      Managing Рartner
      Chryso Christofidou
      Managing Director
      Christopher Pelentrides
      United Kingdom
      Peter Petrou
      United Kingdom
      Daniele Papone
      Jerome Da Ros
      Stefan Toffol
      Luhina Iryna
      Director of Feod Group Kyiv
      Rimma Dontsova
      Head of Department
      Visas and Immigration
      Anastasia Taran
      Head of Corporate Services
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