Visa and immigration to Ukraine
Feod Group since 1992 provides professional visas & immigration services to Ukraine, conducted by top level Ukrainian immigration lawyers and advocates. We have English speaking lawyers and also speak Italian, Spanish, French, Greek. We have offices in USA, UK and Ukraine.
Feod Group established in 1992 is internationally recognized for their exemplary immigration and legal business services it provides for foreigners in Ukraine. With a team of English speaking lawyers: Ukrainian lawyers, UK and European advocates, US and Canadian attorneys, Feod Group are able to provide an extensive range of services to enable foreigners to operate in Ukraine with less difficulties and complications.
Our scope of services in Ukraine:
- Wide spectrum of visa consultancy services for overseas visitors, visa extensions;
- Immigration applications to Ukrainian authorities for resident permit, work permit;
- Registration of various company’s types on the territory of Ukraine;
- Legal advise and assistance on opening personal and business accounts;
- Real-estate advice and due diligence;
- Assistance in obtaining mortgage and long-term credits;
- Audit and management of companies;
- Business risks analysis and effective risk management;
- Ukrainian Family Law consultation;
- US, United Kingdom and other European countries immigration and entry clearance applications for Ukrainian partners, spouses and fiancés;
- British, American, Ukrainian legal and advocacy services;
- Accredited translators, Notary services, apostille.
We effectively work with complicated cases.
Our professional staff speaks English, Greek, Italian, French and German.
Feod Group highly skilled international law advisers, solicitors, real estate experts, business and financial consultants equipped with updated juridical knowledge are ready to provide you with the overall support in complicated cases both in Ukraine and abroad.
Upon initial assessment our Ukrainian staff, British, Cypriot or the U.S. immigration law advisers will help to plan your business activity, temporary staying or immigration in Ukraine in accordance with legislation and practice of governmental regulation.
If you would like to obtain an initial consultation, please contact our office in Kiev (Ukraine) +380443839030, Odessa (Ukraine) +38 048 770 50 60. You can also contact our staff at Feod Group office in London +442081237130 or USA, Florida +19047294049.
Article author
Anastasia Taran Head of Corporate Services
Ukraine In 2013, Anastasia Taran graduated with honors from the National University "Odessa Law Academy", earning a Master of Laws degree. She joined Feod Group in 2018 and has since gained extensive experience in international corporate, tax, and immigration law....
In 2013, Anastasia Taran graduated with honors from the National University "Odessa Law Academy", earning a Master of Laws degree. She joined Feod Group in 2018 and has since gained extensive experience in international corporate, tax, and immigration law.
Countries where we offer visa and immigration support: