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Chryso Christofidou

    Chryso Christofidou

    Managing Director


    Chryso Christofidou is a highly experienced corporate and immigration lawyer with over 15 years of legal practice, specializing in corporate law, tax structuring, investments, and fiduciary services in Cyprus. She holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Sussex and Northumbria University.

    Since 2008, Chryso has been a member of the Cyprus Bar Association, providing a full range of legal services, including residency applications, business legal support, and investment consulting in Cyprus.

    Areas of Expertise:

    Corporate Law: Incorporation, management, and dissolution of companies in Cyprus.

    International Tax Structuring: Developing tax-efficient strategies for businesses and private clients, including obtaining Cypriot tax residency.

    Fiduciary Services: Administration of trusts, foundations, and corporate structures.

    Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance: Conducting Know Your Client (KYC) due diligence and ensuring compliance with AML regulations.

    Legal Due Diligence: Assessing corporate structures, assets, and liabilities to minimize legal risks.

    Banking Services in Cyprus: Assisting with bank account applications, including the preparation of all necessary legal and financial documentation.

    Immigration Services in Cyprus: Providing full legal support for temporary and permanent residency (PR) applications, as well as work permits.

    Real Estate Transactions: Conducting legal due diligence on properties, verifying ownership status, drafting and reviewing contracts, handling transactions, and registering properties with the Cyprus Land Registry.

    Chryso is actively involved in international conferences on corporate law, taxation, and immigration, representing Cyprus as a key jurisdiction for business, investment, and relocation.

    Fluent in English and Greek, she effectively collaborates with international clients and partners.


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