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Permanent Residence in Ukraine

With a wealth of experience, Feod Group are able to provide a bespoke services in obtaining permanent residency in Ukraine through investment, business, employment or family reunion. We provide full legal support through our offices in Ukraine and internationally.
We speak English, Spanish, Italian, Greek languages.

According to the Law of Ukraine “On immigration” for immigration to Ukraine on a permanent residence, it is necessary to obtain an immigration permit.

The immigration permit is issued within the immigration quota, which is set by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the certain to them order on the categories of immigrants, or over quota of immigration for the certain categories of immigrants.

Immigration permit within the immigration quota is granted to:

Immigration permit over the immigration quota is granted to:

Permission on immigration is confirmed by the certificate for permanent residence (permanent residency permit).

After the immigrant’s arrival in Ukraine she/he shall apply within five working days to the specially authorized central body of executive power on immigration issues at the place of residence with the application for issue of the certificate for permanent residence.

Help in obtaining a permanent residence in Ukraine

Feod Group has wide experience in working on the above mentioned immigration categories. With in-house Ukrainian, European and American lawyers we can handle any complicated immigration case. Our company offices in Ukraine, the UK, and the USA can simultaneously work on documents from both sides and make the immigration process run smoothly and efficiently.

If you would like to obtain an initial consultation, please contact our office in Kiev (Ukraine) +380443839030, Odessa (Ukraine) +380482324438. You can also contact our staff at Feod Group office in London +442081237130 or USA, Florida +19047294049.

Article author

Anastasia Taran Head of Corporate Services
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes i...
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes in immigration and corporate law of European countries, particularly:
  • family and corporate immigration solutions.
  • establishing a business in Europe.
  • personal and corporate taxation in Europe.
  • opening accounts in European banks.
  • obtaining a tax resident status.
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Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

Our experts
Elena Georghiou
Founder and Managing Director
George Georghiou
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Tetyana Lementarova
Managing Partner
William Slattery
Managing Рartner
Chryso Christofidou
Managing Director
Christopher Pelentrides
United Kingdom
Peter Petrou
United Kingdom
Daniele Papone
Jerome Da Ros
Stefan Toffol
Luhina Iryna
Head of department
Visas and Immigration
Rimma Dontsova
Senior Adviser
Visas and Immigration
Anastasia Taran
Head of Corporate Services
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