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Immigration to Malta. Residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship of Malta

Since 1992 Feod Group has been providing full legal support for moving to Malta:

Immigration services:

  • Residence permit in Malta for the whole family
  • Moving to the island of Malta for permanent residence
  • Obtaining citizenship of Malta by investment
  • Representation of interests in the state authorities of Malta
Legal and business services in Malta:

  • Company registration in Malta
  • Obtaining the status of a tax resident of Malta
  • Opening a bank account
  • Buying property in Malta

The company includes accredited Maltese advocates





    Residence permit and citizenship of Malta


    Malta is a member state of the European Union, which successfully meets the needs of business, freedom of stay and movement in the Eurozone, provides a wide range of tax benefits and many other advantages:

    Methods for obtaining a residence permit and citizenship of Malta

    According to immigration law, citizens of non-EU countries are eligible to obtain a residence permit and citizenship of Malta in 2021 under the following programs:

    ✓ Malta Global Residence Program (MGRP)

    ✓ Malta Permanent Residence Program (MPRP)

    ✓ Malta’s Citizenship by Investment route, now known as the Malta Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment

    ✓ Residence permit for digital nomads in Malta

    Malta Global Residence Programme (МGRP)


    The Global Residence Program in Malta is a state program for obtaining a residence permit in Malta for citizens of countries outside the European Union, with the provision of a special tax status.

    The Global Residence Program is suitable for entrepreneurs and investors who wish to obtain Malta tax residency status and benefit from tax incentives and optimize their tax burden.

    Benefits of obtaining a Malta residence permit under the Global Residence program

    Basic conditions for participation in the global residence program

    Requirements for investment program participants

    In order for the registration of residence permit status for an investor to be successful, the following conditions must be met:

    In addition to the investor, the application can also include:

    Required documents, stages and deadlines

    To participate in the investment residence permit program, the applicant is required to provide the following documents:

    All submitted documents must be translated into English and notarized.

    Malta Permanent Residence Programme


    Moving to Malta for permanent residence is possible for the whole family under the Malta Permanent Resident program.

    The Malta Permanent Residence Programme, or as it is also called the Malta Golden Visa or Malta Residence Permit by Investment, is an immigration investment program that replaced the Malta Residence and Visa Program (MRVP).

    Subject to fulfilling a number of program conditions, the applicant and his family members can obtain permanent residence in Malta.

    The main advantages of obtaining permanent residence in Malta

    ✓ Immediately obtaining a permanent residence permit in Malta (permanent residence) without the requirement to reside in the country.
    ✓ You are not required to take a language test to obtain permanent residence.
    ✓ Four generations can obtain permanent residence in Malta: applicant, spouse, children, parents, grandparents.

    Investment options

    Rental Property

    Buying property in Malta

    More details about Malta Permanent Residence Programme

    We assist in all provisions of the clients related to the rental or purchase of real estate in Malta and at the same time provide a full range of services for obtaining permanent residency in Malta for the entire family of the client



      Malta Citizenship by Investment


      In November 2020, the Government of Malta launched a new program – Maltese Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment.

      One of the requirements under the new program is that the applicant and family members included in the application must have Maltese resident status for at least 12 or 36 months prior to obtaining a Malta Passport.

      Conditions for obtaining citizenship of Malta by investment

      1. Contribution to the economic development of the country

      2. Buying or renting real estate in Malta

      3. Charitable donation

      Contact our specialists for advice, and we will provide you with detailed information.


        Residence permit and citizenship of Malta – FAQ
        ✓ How to obtain a residence permit in Malta for Ukrainians?

        Ukrainians and other citizens of non-EU countries can obtain a temporary residence permit in Malta under the Global Residence Program (MGRP) or a permanent residence permit under the Malta Permanent Resident Program (MPRP).

        ✓ How to relocate to Malta for permanent residence?

        After 5 years of residence in Malta, you can obtain permanent residence. Alternatively, you can participate in the Malta Permanent Resident Program (MPRP) and obtain permanent residence immediately without the need for permanent staying.

        ✓ Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in Malta when purchasing real estate?

        When purchasing real estate in Malta for a certain amount, you can receive both a residence permit and permanent residence.

        • When purchasing real estate for an amount of 275,000 euros (or 220,000 euros for Gozo / southern regions), the applicant and his family can receive a residence permit for 1 year with the right to extend.
        • When purchasing real estate for an amount of 350,000 euros (or 300,000 euros for Gozo / southern Malta), the applicant and his family can apply for permanent residence in Malta.
        ✓ How to obtain Maltese Citizenship and Passport?

        You can obtain Maltese citizenship by living in the country for 10-18 years legally.

        Or through the Maltese citizenship program based on significant contribution to the economic and social development of the country. By participating in this program, you can obtain citizenship for the whole family after 12 or 36 months of residence in Malta.

        Article author

        Anastasia Taran Head of Corporate Services
        In 2013, Anastasia Taran graduated with honors from the National University "Odessa Law Academy", earning a Master of Laws degree. She joined Feod Group in 2018 and has since gained extensive experience in international corporate, tax, and immigration law....

        In 2013, Anastasia Taran graduated with honors from the National University "Odessa Law Academy", earning a Master of Laws degree. She joined Feod Group in 2018 and has since gained extensive experience in international corporate, tax, and immigration law.

        read more

        Why clients choose Feod Group

        Since 1992, Feod Group has been providing a wide range of legal, business and immigration services in Europe, the USA and other countries of the world.

        The company has accredited western lawyers, experts in various fields of law and jurisdictions of the world.

        Having offices in Europe and the USA, Feod Group provides rapid paperwork and maximum customer comfort.

        We provide our clients with related services, such as relocation and adaptation abroad, organizing family relocation abroad, enrollment of children in schools and many other services.

        Our publications about immigration, real estate and business in Europe and the United States:

        Immigration to Europe. Programs for obtaining a residence permit in the EU 2024
        Company registration in Madeira
        In which European country should you open a business in 2024 and pay low taxes?
        Cyprus Company Incorporation

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        Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

        Our experts
        Elena Georghiou
        Founder and Managing Partner
        George Georghiou
        Managing Partner
        Tetyana Lementarova
        Managing Director
        William Slattery
        Managing Рartner
        Chryso Christofidou
        Managing Director
        Christopher Pelentrides
        United Kingdom
        Peter Petrou
        United Kingdom
        Daniele Papone
        Jerome Da Ros
        Stefan Toffol
        Luhina Iryna
        Director of Feod Group Kyiv
        Rimma Dontsova
        Head of Department
        Visas and Immigration
        Anastasia Taran
        Head of Corporate Services
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