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Immigration to Italy
Residence permit and Italian citizenship

Since 1992 Feod Group has been providing a wide range of immigration, business and legal services in Italy

Immigration services in Italy:
✔ Obtaining a National D visa at the Italian Embassy
✔ Residence permit in Italy for the whole family
✔ Moving to Italy for permanent residence
✔ Representation of interests at the Embassy by an Italian advocate
✔ Assistances after refusal of a visa to Italy

Legal and business services in Italy:
✔ Business registration and purchase of companies in Italy
✔ Obtaining the status of a tax resident in Italy
✔ Opening an account with a bank in Italy
✔ Property rentals in all regions of Italy
✔ Purchasing apartments, houses, villas in Italy

The company includes international and Italian lawyers



Immigration to Italy


Italy is a member of the European Union and one of the most popular countries for family emigration.

The Italian resident card provides its holder with many advantages.

✔ Freedom of movement. By becoming a resident of Italy, you can freely enter the country
✔ Living in a country with a high European standard of living and social security
✔ Access to quality healthcare and education
✔ It is possible to obtain a residence permit for the whole family
✔ Access to lending in Italian banks
✔ Obtaining citizenship after 10 years of residence
✔ Opportunity to receive a Non Domiciled Resident tax credit.

In order to stay in the country for more than 90 days, you must obtain a Temporary Residence Permit in Italy (Permesso di soggiorno).

Obtaining a residence permit in Italy

Italian immigration law provides several options for obtaining a residence permit. Contact our Italian lawyer Daniele Papone and our specialists will select for you the optimal program for obtaining a residence permit in Italy, depending on your goals and needs.


Residence Permit in Italy as an Elective Residence Without Work Rights (Residenza Elettiva)


This category is intended for financially independent foreigners and their family members who wish to reside in Italy without the need to work or invest in a business.

Under this program, the applicant is not required to purchase property or make investments but must provide documentary proof of sufficient financial means. These funds must come from private income sources (dividends, investments, pensions, etc.) and be sufficient to support living in Italy without employment.

The minimum required income is from €30,000 per year for the primary applicant, while a family of 3-4 people must demonstrate an annual income of approximately €100,000.

Learn more: about the Italian residence permit for financially independent foreigners »


Business Immigration to Italy — Lavoro Autonomo


Business immigration to Italy has always been popular among entrepreneurs and investors and remains a reliable way to obtain a residence permit (Permesso di soggiorno) and, later, permanent residency in Italy.

There are several ways to obtain a residence permit in Italy through business, including:

The Lavoro Autonomo residence permit is issued for two years. If the entrepreneur successfully develops the business, maintains tax compliance, and ensures timely salary payments, the residence permit can be renewed every two years.

After five years of legal and continuous residence in Italy, an application for permanent residency (Permesso di soggiorno UE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo) can be submitted.

Learn more: Key requirements for obtaining a residence permit and starting a business in Italy.

Also read: How to register a company in Italy and the taxation system for Italian businesses »

We provide full legal support for our clients throughout the process of registering or acquiring a business in Italy and offer comprehensive immigration services, including visa assistance for the entire family.


Investor Visa in Italy — Permesso di Soggiorno per Investitori


Non-EU citizens can obtain an Investor Visa for Italy by making one of the following investments:

Key Benefits of the Investor Visa:

✔ Residence permits for the entire family.
✔ Fully remote application process — after receiving approval from the Italian government, the investor is invited to the consulate to obtain the visa.
✔ No residency requirement in Italy — only the investment needs to be maintained.
✔ Opportunity to benefit from Italy’s special Non-Domiciled Resident tax regime.

Learn more about the Investor Visa for Italy »

Also read: Comparison of EU residency-by-investment programs »


Residence Permit Through Legal Employment in Italy


Obtaining a residence permit in Italy through employment is possible with an official employment contract from an Italian employer and obtaining a work authorization permit (Nulla Osta per lavoro subordinato).

Alternatively, applicants may qualify for the EU Blue Card (Carta Blu UE), which is specifically designed for highly skilled professionals.

Key Requirements for the EU Blue Card:

✔ A valid employment contract with a salary at least three times the minimum wage in Italy.
✔ Mandatory health insurance recognized in EU member states.
✔ Officially recognized educational qualifications or professional certifications relevant to the job.

Family Reunification in Italy


Family members of an Italian citizen or a foreign national legally residing in Italy may immigrate to Italy under the family reunification program.

Eligible Family Members:

✔ Legal spouse
✔ Unmarried minor children, including children of the spouse
✔ Dependent adult children with serious health conditions
✔ Dependent parents who:


Tax Residency in Italy


Obtaining a residence permit (Permesso di Soggiorno) does not automatically make you a tax resident of Italy.

To become an Italian tax resident, you must:
✔ Reside in Italy for most of the year (at least 183 days)
✔ Transfer your center of vital interests to Italy

Special Tax Regime for High-Net-Worth Individuals

Italy offers a Non-Domiciled Tax Resident (Non-Dom) regime for wealthy individuals. This allows foreign income to be taxed at a fixed annual rate, regardless of the actual amount earned:

💶 €200,000 flat tax per year for the main applicant
💶 €25,000 flat tax per year for each family member

This tax status is valid for 15 years and can be canceled at any time or automatically revoked if the annual tax is not paid.

🔹 Learn more about the Non-Dom regime in Italy »
🔹 Read more about taxation in Italy: corporate tax, personal income tax, and real estate taxes »

We provide comprehensive legal support at all stages of obtaining Italian tax residency.


Permanent Residence and Citizenship in Italy


Permanent Residence Permit in Italy – Carta di Soggiorno

After legally residing in Italy for five or more years, a foreigner can apply for permanent residency (Carta di Soggiorno).

To obtain PR status in Italy, applicants must:
✔ Provide personal identification documents
✔ Confirm a stable income that meets or exceeds the social minimum
✔ Have no outstanding tax liabilities

How to Obtain Italian Citizenship

Italian law allows foreign nationals to acquire Italian citizenship through various pathways:

By descent – If one or both parents are Italian citizens
By birth – If born in Italy, provided that the parents are unknown or stateless
By marriage – After two years of legal residence in Italy following marriage to an Italian citizen
By naturalization – After 10 years of legal residence, though some cases allow for a reduced timeframe

🔹 Feod Group’s immigration lawyers provide full legal support at all stages of residence permit renewal and Italian citizenship acquisition.


    Frequently Asked Questions About Italy
    Can I travel freely within the EU and Schengen Area with an Italian residence permit?

    Yes, an Italian residence permit allows visa-free entry and travel across all Schengen Area countries in Europe.

    How long can I stay in the Schengen area with an Italian residence permit?

    A long-term visa or residence permit issued by a Schengen Agreement country allows you to travel or stay in other Schengen states, provided that the maximum duration of stay does not exceed “90 days within any 180-day period.”

    Can I obtain an Italian residence permit by purchasing real estate?

    Italy does not have a residency-by-investment program through real estate. Purchasing property in Italy is considered solely as an additional advantage when applying for a residence permit for financially independent foreigners under the Elective Residence (Residenza Elettiva) program.

    What are the taxation rules in Italy and the conditions for becoming a tax resident?

    Taxes in Italy:

    • Corporate tax rate – 24%
    • Dividends – 1.2%, 26%
    • Interest – 0%, 12.5%, 26%
    • Royalties – 22.5%

    Personal income tax rates in Italy:

    • Income up to €15,000 – 23%
    • Income from €15,001 to €28,000 – 27%
    • Income from €28,001 to €55,000 – 38%
    • Income from €55,001 to €75,000 – 41%
    • Income over €75,001 – 43%

    Other taxes:

    • Inheritance and gift tax – 4% for spouses and direct relatives, 6% for distant relatives, and 8% for other heirs.
    • Real estate tax – 0.4%–0.7% of the cadastral property value, depending on the region. Property owners who register their home as their primary residence are exempt from this tax.

    Tax residency in Italy

    Individuals who reside in Italy for more than 183 days per year and have their center of life interests in the country are considered Italian tax residents.

    Holders of an Italian residence permit who become tax residents may benefit from Italy’s Non-Domiciled Resident (Non-Dom) tax regime.

    The main advantage of this regime is a fixed tax payment on foreign income, regardless of the actual amount earned:

    • €100,000 per year for the primary applicant
    • €25,000 per year for each family member
    How to renew a residence permit in Italy?

    The application for residence permit renewal (permesso di soggiorno) must be submitted to the Questura (police headquarters) in the place of residence within 90 days before its expiration.

    Requirements for renewal may vary depending on the province. The Questura generally processes the application within 60 days, but in some cases, it can take 6–8 months if additional documents are required.

    By consulting the immigration lawyers at Feod Group, you can avoid delays in the processing of your residence permit renewal application.

    How to obtain Italian citizenship?

    To acquire Italian citizenship, an individual must:

    • Reside in Italy for at least 10 years on a legal basis.
    • Have a stable and sufficient income.
    • Have no criminal record or outstanding tax debts.

    Knowledge of the Italian language is not a mandatory requirement for obtaining citizenship.

    Italian law does not prohibit dual citizenship.

    Article author

    Luhina Iryna Director of Feod Group Kyiv
    Iryna Luhina joined Feod Group in 2018 and has established herself as a highly qualified professional. Her expertise includes company registration, bank account opening, and immigration support. ...

    Iryna Luhina joined Feod Group in 2018 and has established herself as a highly qualified professional. Her expertise includes company registration, bank account opening, and immigration support.

    read more

    Why clients choose Feod Group

    Since 1992, Feod Group has been providing a wide range of legal, business and immigration services in Europe, the USA and other countries of the world.

    The company has accredited western lawyers, experts in various fields of law and jurisdictions of the world.

    Having offices in Europe and the USA, Feod Group provides rapid paperwork and maximum customer comfort.

    We provide our clients with related services, such as relocation and adaptation abroad, organizing family relocation abroad, enrollment of children in schools and many other services.

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    Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

    Our experts
    Elena Georghiou
    Founder and Managing Partner
    George Georghiou
    Managing Partner
    Tetyana Lementarova
    Managing Director
    William Slattery
    Managing Рartner
    Chryso Christofidou
    Managing Director
    Christopher Pelentrides
    United Kingdom
    Peter Petrou
    United Kingdom
    Daniele Papone
    Jerome Da Ros
    Stefan Toffol
    Luhina Iryna
    Director of Feod Group Kyiv
    Rimma Dontsova
    Head of Department
    Visas and Immigration
    Anastasia Taran
    Head of Corporate Services
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