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Family reunification in Germany

Since 1992, Feod Group has been providing professional assistance at all stages of obtaining a family reunification permit in Germany. International lawyers are part of the company.
Offices in Europe, USA and Ukraine.

Feud Group since 1992 provides its clients with professional services in preparation and maintenance of documents for applying for all types of visas to Germany, obtaining a temporary and permanent residence permit, as well as transfer to other categories of stay in Germany. Both German lawyers and Ukrainian specialists with years of experience in this field are involved in this process. In the case of close relatives in Germany, the applicant has the right to seek permission for family reunification and to join with his relative. This group includes entry visas in order to:

Prerequisites for obtaining a family reunification permit are:

Below are the documents required for filing in individual cases.

Reunion with a spouse or same-sex partner in Germany


If the applicant’s partner is not a German national, proof of financial support and accommodation must also be provided.

Entry for the purpose of marriage / registration of partnership of same-sex couples with further permanent residence in Germany


Reunion of minor children with their parents in Germany

This type of immigration may take place if one or both of the child’s parents are German nationals, or are legally resident in the country.


if one of the parents residing in Germany does not have German citizenship, you must also provide:

Parental reunion with German child


if the child does not yet reside in Germany and is planning a joint departure to Germany, the following is additionally submitted:

in case the child is not yet born, but after the birth will receive German citizenship, in addition:

Other types of family reunification in Germany

A residence permit for family members (except spouses / partners, bride / groom, minor children and parents with sole parental rights to their minor children) for reunification with German and third-country nationals can only be granted in order to avoid circumstances. This applies to situations in which one family member is in need of vital assistance from another family member and cannot be provided in the territory of the country of residence (for example, the need for permanent care). Circumstances of particular severity should always be determined by the individual characteristics of the particular case (for example, illness, disability, need for care, severe mental state). Unfavorable conditions at school, economic, social and other conditions at home cannot be considered as circumstances of particular gravity. Feod Group provides its clients with professional assistance at all stages of obtaining a residence permit and extending immigration status, and obtaining citizenship. The specialists of our company have extensive experience in dealing with even the most difficult visa situations. Legal support is carried out by German attorneys together with the Ukrainian staff of our company, which is especially important considering that this type of visa provides, in addition, the filing documents in the territory of Ukraine, also a work with a relative in Germany. You can read more about visa services of our company in Germany on the page Visas and Immigration to Germany.

Article author

Rimma Dontsova Senior Adviser
Visas and Immigration
In 1982 graduated Kiev State University , Romano-Germanic Philology Dept, the qualification of a Romano-Germanic Philology (philologist), an English teacher. Has 10 years of experience as an English teacher in a school of foreign languages ​​"Interlingva" (Kiev). 1993-2009 - British Embass...
In 1982 graduated Kiev State University , Romano-Germanic Philology Dept, the qualification of a Romano-Germanic Philology (philologist), an English teacher. Has 10 years of experience as an English teacher in a school of foreign languages ​​"Interlingva" (Kiev). 1993-2009 - British Embassy Kiev, Visa Section. 2009-2012 - British Embassy, Kiev, Risk Assessment Unit. Since 2012 Rimma Dontsova is a specialist of Visa and Immigration in Feod Group. With many years of experience in immigration services, Rimma Dontsova specialises in:
  • preparation and evaluation of documents for submission to the immigration authorities of Great Britain and other European countries, as well as the United States and Canada for immigrant and non-immigrant status;
  • preparation of documents for submission for visa after visa refusal;
  • preparation of appeals.
Speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English.
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Countries where we offer visa and immigration support:

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Elena Georghiou
Founder and Managing Director
George Georghiou
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Tetyana Lementarova
Managing Partner
William Slattery
Managing Рartner
Chryso Christofidou
Managing Director
Christopher Pelentrides
United Kingdom
Peter Petrou
United Kingdom
Daniele Papone
Jerome Da Ros
Stefan Toffol
Luhina Iryna
Head of department
Visas and Immigration
Rimma Dontsova
Senior Adviser
Visas and Immigration
Anastasia Taran
Head of Corporate Services
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