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Why Register a Company in Malta?

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Malta Malta is a picturesque Mediterranean island, serving as a modern international business and financial hub. It is an ideal choice for investors and entrepreneurs seeking a stable, secure, and attractive business environment within the European Union.

Feod Group experts have outlined the top 7 reasons why registering a company in Malta is worthwhile.

✅ Excellent air and sea Connectivity

Despite being an island, Malta is easily accessible by both sea and air transport, with well-established connections to continental Europe, Africa, and the UAE.

In recent times, Malta has gained recognition as an aviation hub linking popular countries and cities.

✅ English is an official language

Apart from Maltese, English is an official language in Malta. Corporate documents are also in English, facilitating communication within the business and with clients worldwide.

There are English-language private schools for the education of your children as well.

✅ Favorable taxation

Malta operates a tax refund system for shareholders of companies registered in Malta, allowing for corporate tax optimization and reduction. This can result in a net effective tax rate in Malta of approximately 5-10%. The corporate tax rate can even be reduced to 0% for holding company structures.

Malta does not withhold tax on dividends paid to shareholders.

✅ IT infrastructure

Malta boasts a developed IT infrastructure, being one of the first countries with nationwide 5G data coverage.

✅ Shipping registry

Malta currently holds the largest shipping registry in Europe and the sixth largest globally. Additionally, Malta has become a world leader in yacht registrations.

✅ Immigration and investment incentives

Malta offers nine programs for residency and citizenship, suitable for many foreigners and their families.

✅ Life in Malta

Malta provides everything one would expect on an ideal island: warm and azure seas, pristine beaches, 300 sunny days a year, a laid-back lifestyle, and a variety of seafood.

If you are considering the possibility of establishing a Maltese company, be sure to reach our specialists for additional information!
We offer remote company registration services in Malta, including the opening of a bank account for our clients!



Company registration in Madeira
Cyprus Company Incorporation

Article author

Anastasia Taran Head of Corporate Services
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes i...
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes in immigration and corporate law of European countries, particularly:
  • family and corporate immigration solutions.
  • establishing a business in Europe.
  • personal and corporate taxation in Europe.
  • opening accounts in European banks.
  • obtaining a tax resident status.
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