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The lawyers of Maltese advocates company CCA and the staff of international company Feod Group were organisers international event.

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On November 16, 2010, a seminar, in Kiev, on international business planning, contemporary forms of companies’ incorporation, obtaining permanent residency in Malta is considered a great success. Also discussed, was a number of topical issues on immigration legislation in the EU.

The lawyers of Maltese advocates company CCA and the staff of international company Feod Group were organisers of this international event.

The informative and interesting speech by Dr. Jean-Philippe Chetcuti, the Managing Partner of CCA, dedicated to global issues of international tax planning and elaboration of economically attractive taxation schemes for companies registered in Malta aroused great interest from the audience.

Mrs. Elena Georghiou, founder and Managing Director of Feod Group, an international company, concentrated on the issues and pressing problems of obtaining visas for different categories and obtaining immigration status in the European Union countries. A lively response of the participants showed that the visa refusals to the EU countries, positive and negative aspects of temporary and permanent residency statuses in Western Europe, are still topical problem for Ukrainian citizens. Numerous questions clearly demonstrated that the above problems prevent the development of Ukrainian business, the expansion of business contacts, or obtaining a European education. Mrs. Georghiou explained possible ways of solving the problems giving illustrative examples, and how individuals may obtain an individual visa and immigration issues advice just after the reports.

Advantages and opportunities of permanent residency in Malta have been explained in the speech of Dr. Priscilla Misfud-Parker. Maltese Permanent Resident Scheme enables Ukrainian citizens to move around the Schengen Area states freely, without additionally opening an entry visa. The Permanent Resident status could be obtained not only the principal applicant, but also his family members, and, with a further extension of status, all required taxes are paid by the principal applicant only.

The second part of the seminar had a format of individual consultations. The participants were able to discuss their questions and business issues on a one-to-one basis.

The CCA lawyers and Feod Group representatives were fully satisfied with the results of the seminar and with the high professional interest of all participants. It is planned to hold such events during the next year on a regular basis. Such format of meetings would allow Ukrainian business people to receive up-to-date information on migration issues and to solve urgent problems of business optimization, both in Ukraine and overseas.

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