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Education in Canada as a way to further immigration

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Some close friends of our clients have addresses us with a request to assist with their issue. Their daughter of 20 years old, graduated from the Law Academy with a degree in Law, but does not want to study further and does not plan to be a practicing lawyer. She entered this university based on the suggestion of her parents, but by the 4th course she has realized that being a lawyer was not her vocation and she wanted to live abroad, preferably in Canada. At the initial consultation, the girl mentioned that she created website designs for her friends and she did it well. Since the specialty in the field of design is now in demand both in Ukraine and abroad, we decided that studying in this field may be interesting for her. Since the girl’s level of English was Pre-Intermediate, we formed for her an educational plan, which included a long course of studying English and further admission to college in Canada. The program was implemented without returning to Ukraine and granting a new student visa.

We have selected an interesting post-graduate program, received a joint visa invitation from language courses and college, collected the necessary financial guarantees and helping with writing a motivational letter outlining all the facts in favor of her application. The girl successfully received a student visa within 5 weeks.

Today, our client already draws up a residence permit in Canada together with the Canadian lawyer of our company.

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