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TOP 5 ways to get a residence permit in Italy in 2024

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Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe with many famous historical sights, incredible nature and friendly people, which attracts foreigners not only for tourism, but for relocation and permanent residence.

Foreign citizens who wish to go to live in Italy and stay there for more than three months must apply for an Italian long-term D visa as well as an Italian residence permit (Permesso di Soggiorno).

A residence permit allows you to stay in Italy for usually between one and 5 years. After 5 years of residence with a residence permit, you can apply for a permanent residence permit – permanent residence in Italy. And in total, after 10 years you can apply for Italian citizenship and a passport.

⇒ The company consists of immigration lawyers and Italian lawyers!


What does a residence permit in Italy provide?


✔ Year-round residence, unlimited entry and exit from Italy
The holder of a residence permit has the right to permanently reside in Italy, as well as to enter and leave the territory of Italy without restrictions.

✔ Freedom of movement in the Schengen countries
A resident card of a Schengen country allows you to travel and stay in each Schengen country for 90 days

✔ Opportunity to reunite with family members
As a resident of Italy, you can apply for reunification with relatives and transfer your family to Italy

✔ Education for children
Having received a residence permit in Italy, your children will be able to study not only in private, but also in public schools in Italy.

✔ Access to national healthcare
By becoming a legal resident of Italy you also have access to national healthcare.

✔ Permanent residence and EU citizenship
An Italian passport is equal to any other European passport. With an Italian passport, you can live in any other EU country, also move freely around Europe, study and work, and apply for social assistance.


How to obtain a residence permit in Italy in 2024


Foreigners planning to obtain a residence permit or permanent residence in Italy have several options.
Below you can find out the most popular ways to obtain a residence permit and immigrate to Italy in 2024.

1. Residence permit for financially independent foreigners

The Residence Permit for Financially Independent Persons or Selected Residence (residenza elettiva) is suitable for citizens from non-EU countries who want to live permanently in Italy and have sufficient financial means to support themselves without having to work in Italy.

The minimum required income is from 31,000 euros per year for an individual applicant. The amount increases by 20% for each family member included in the application.

Financial resources must come from sources outside Italy, not from work activity, but entirely from passive sources: rental income from movable or immovable property, royalties, dividends, pensions.
But, if you have real estate in Italy and you rent it out, then this passive income will not be taken into account when applying for the residenza elettiva, since all income must come from abroad.

Also, you need to confirm that you have a place of residence in Italy. Therefore, before moving to live in Italy, you need to find a suitable place to live by concluding a rental agreement or purchasing real estate in Italy for any amount.

To maintain a residence permit and its extension, absence from the country should not exceed 6 months in a row. Therefore, if you are interested in obtaining a residence permit in Italy without the need to reside there permanently, then an Investor Visa (see below) is suitable for you.

Residence permit when purchasing real estate in Italy

Please note that owning real estate in Italy does not automatically give you the right to permanently reside in the country and obtain a residence permit.

But owning property in Italy can make it easier to obtain a long-term visa under other immigration programs.

For example, as previously stated, to obtain a residence permit for financially independent foreigners, one of the requirements for filing an application is to own or rent real estate. And the fact that you have your own real estate in Italy will be considered as an additional advantage when applying for a residence permit.

Also, owning real estate in Italy will be an advantage when obtaining a residence permit through business immigration or family reunification in Italy.

Therefore, if you plan to purchase property in Italy and use it without any restrictions all year round, you must additionally apply for a long-term D visa and obtain a residence permit in Italy.

2. Investor visa to Italy

An investor visa provides for obtaining resident status for citizens from non-EU countries for investing in the Italian economy. This program is also called “Italy Gold Visa” or “Italy Residence Permit by Investment”.

The investor visa to Italy offers several investment options:

A residence permit in Italy can also be issued for the entire family of the investor, including the second spouse, children and parents.
Another advantage of this program is that the investor and his family are not required to have a minimum number of days of physical presence in Italy.

A residence permit under an Investor Visa is issued for 2 years immediately and can be extended for another 3 years. After 5 years of residence, applicants can become permanent residents of Italy. Italian citizenship can be obtained after 10 years of residence.

Investments should be held until you decide to stay in Italy or until permanent residence is obtained.

3. Italian residence permit through business (business immigration)

Foreigners wishing to start a business in Italy or work as an individual entrepreneur must apply for an Italian long-term visa and then a residence permit.

You can obtain a residence permit in Italy for the purpose of entrepreneurial activities under the category Lavoro autonomo (Permesso di soggiorno per Lavoro autonomo).

The category “Lavoro autonomo” implies self-employment or independent activity in Italy, and has several subcategories, such as: independent business activity; independent activity for business executives; independent activity for liberal professions – freelancing; Startup visa to Italy.

Each subcategory has its own requirements and the necessary list of documents for obtaining a visa and residence permit.

But there are basic criteria:

Residence permits in Italy are issued for 2 years with the right of extension. After 5 years of residence, you can obtain a permanent residence permit in Italy (Italian permanent residence), and after 10 years, citizenship and a passport.

4. Italy Digital Nomad Visa

Italy officially launched its digital nomad visa on April 4, 2024.

The Italian digital nomad visa is designed for highly skilled professionals from non-EU countries who work remotely.

One significant advantage of the Italy digital nomad visa is that applicants are exempt from the requirement to obtain a “nulla osta” document — a work permit for citizens of non-EU countries issued by Italian immigration authorities.

Among the main requirements, digital nomads must earn an annual remote income of €32,400. The income requirement may vary depending on the minimum wage in Italy. Additionally, the foreign citizen must open a deposit in an Italian bank amounting to at least €30,000.

The first resident card for digital nomads is issued for one year, while the second and subsequent ones are issued for two years. After residing in Italy for 5 years, a digital nomad can apply for permanent residency (Italy PR), and after another five years, for citizenship.

5. Self-Employment Visa in Italy

The Italian self-employment visa allows highly skilled workers and freelancers to relocate to Italy and work remotely.

This visa is regulated by annual quotas, which determine the number of work permits for candidates whose employment meets the criteria set for the self-employment visa.

Requirements and necessary documents vary depending on whether you intend to work as a freelancer or start your own business in Italy.

Key requirements:


✔ Contact our immigration specialists, who will select the optimal program for obtaining a residence permit in Europe, depending on your goals and needs.
Since 1992, we have been providing a wide range of immigration, business and legal services in Europe and the USA!



If you have any questions in any of the directions, please contact us.



Immigration to Europe: residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship and EU passport.

European Community and Schengen countries

Golden Visa. Immigration to Europe through Investments

Article author

Anastasia Taran Head of Corporate Services
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes i...
In 2013, she graduated in law from the National University «Odessa Law Academy» with honors and received a Master of Law degree. Anastasia Taran has experience in international and contract law, as well as corporate and tax law in Europe. Within the framework of Feod Group, she specializes in immigration and corporate law of European countries, particularly:
  • family and corporate immigration solutions.
  • establishing a business in Europe.
  • personal and corporate taxation in Europe.
  • opening accounts in European banks.
  • obtaining a tax resident status.
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